Make a difference in the life of Detroit youth  image

Make a difference in the life of Detroit youth

74% of Michigan's top 50 jobs require at least a Bachelor's degree. Help us ensure Detroiters have a fighting chance to combat poverty.

$9,927 raised

$50,000 goal

/ 150


We are fundraising to save Detroit's youth

The Detroit College Access Network (DCAN) is the coordinating body of cross-sector leaders and organizations in Detroit working together to ensure all Detroit students have the opportunity to attend and obtain postsecondary education. It is a network of organizations – bigger than any one program or initiative – leveraging a collective impact model to align and connect existing programs, schools, businesses and community resources to improve college enrollment and graduation rates for all Detroit students. DCAN’s mission is to increase post-secondary readiness, enrollment and attainment so that all students in Detroit can achieve their educational dreams. Specifically, the Detroit College Access Network:

  • Promotes a college-going culture that removes barriers to college enrollment, persistence and completion within all high schools in Detroit
  • Mobilizes, aligns and strengthens resources to have a greater impact on Detroit’s college enrollment and attainment rates
  • Engages and educates school personnel, community organizations, faith-based organizations, parents, community members, funders, businesses, and students on the importance of college enrollment and graduation
  • Provides college access training to school personnel, community organizations, parents and community members
  • Collects, analyzes, and publishes citywide and school-based data to drive DCAN priorities

Collaborative college access and readiness work in Detroit began during the spring of 2013 when a group of cross-sector organizations came together to increase FAFSA completion rates in the city of Detroit. The group was known as the “College Ready” team and Excellent Schools Detroit served as the group’s anchor organization. Partners included the Detroit Regional Chamber, Michigan College Access Network, the United Way for Southeastern Michigan, The Skillman Foundation, Accounting Aid Society and school leaders. The College Ready table launched and implemented a FAFSA completion campaign that successfully increased citywide FAFSA application rates to 73% from the 54% baseline.

In 2014, the partners launched another FAFSA completion campaign and a citywide college week that includes decision day events, college-going workshops and college tours for students throughout Detroit. The momentum from the successful campaigns motivated the group to create the Detroit College Access Network (DCAN) as a more formal structure for working collaboratively to increase college enrollment, persistence, and graduation rates among Detroit students.

The Detroit College Access Network (DCAN) has operated as one of Michigan’s 40+ Local College Access Networks since 2015. In 2017, DCAN shifted from Excellent Schools Detroit to a new anchor organization where the Detroit Regional Chamber provided office space and Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) serves as the fiduciary. Currently MCAN remains as DCAN’s fiduciary, and DCAN is now housed on Grand Valley State University’s downtown campus.

Over the next three years, DCAN will leverage partnerships, research, and community to empower a college-going culture in Detroit so our region achieves the state's 60 by 30 goal. Additionally, Detroit represents one of the most high-opportunity student populations in the country. Shifting the narrative to emphasize that college offers a viable path toward economic mobility is imperative. Detroit College Access Network is uniquely positioned to fuel a "college is for me" mantra.

Your gift today will help us improve the quality of life of all Detroiters, starting with our most precious youth.